RCDSMM Posts New Videos

The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains Community Resilience team, with a grant from CAL FIRE, created a series of videos to help communities become more wildfire-resilient.

The videos cover wildfire preparedness, fire ecology and how-to’s for home-hardening and defensible space!

LA County Fire Department Forestry Division, had an open house for the launching of the new set of wildfire prevention videos.

Clark Stevens, Executive Officer & Architect of the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains demonstrated fire-resistant building materials.

The event included hikes into the local hills with comprehensive explanations of the local flora and fauna. 

LINKS TO NEW VIDEOS: (Click on the links below)

Clark Stevens demonstrating fire resistant building materials

Many adult and kid’s activities made it fun for all ages

Clark Stevens and Ron Durbin reviewed ember-resistant surfaces, windows, and vents

Southern view from the property looking towards Malibu

Roofing, siding, gutters, and smaller windows all play a part in fire-resistant construction

Eastern view of iconic mountains of Malibu State Park

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