About Us

Helping Protect Life and Property from Wildfire in Calabasas, CA

The mission of Calabasas Firewise is to work with federal, state, and local agencies to protect life and property from wildfire in Calabasas, California. We execute projects to educate homeowners on how to protect their homes and the surrounding defensible space. We also participate in various fuel mitigation projects to reduce the impact of wildfires on Calabasas’s open spaces.
Calabasas Firewise works with Emergency Preparedness in Calabasas Fire Safe Council (EPIC-FSC), a recognized Fire Safe Council by the official California Fire Safe Council, whose mission is to be “California’s leader in community wildfire risk reduction and resiliency.”
Fire Safe Councils are grassroots, community-led organizations that mobilize residents to protect their homes, communities, and environments from catastrophic wildfires. A local Fire Safe Council may be sparked by a catalyst—perhaps a recent fire spurs a group of neighbors to spread a fire-safe message. Community residents might then turn that initial interest into a commitment to make the community safer.
With the rise of homeowner insurance rates in our area since the Thomas, Woolsey, Palisades, and Kenneth fires, we are also focused on methods of assuring widespread insurance coverage and reducing its cost. We are a communications hub between homeowners and various fire-related and municipal agencies. This communication and feedback guides our various programs and projects.
EPIC-FSC is recognized as a 501(c)(3) Public Charitable Organization by the IRS (Federal Tax ID: 87-1642893).
Our funding comes primarily from State, Local and Corporate grants. Our mission includes:
- Development of a Wildfire Risk Assessment
- Development of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan
- Development of a Digital Infrastructure to support communication with our homeowners
- Performance of free Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) assessments for homeowners
- Development of a Firewise Community plan to reduce the cost of insurance for our homeowners
Michael Dyer: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Director
Debbie Larson: Public Safety Coordinator
Brian Cameron: EPIC-FSC (Fire Safe Council) President
Calabasas Firewise Community, CA